Welcome New Members of the Resident Company!

New Dramatists, an artistic home and developmental laboratory for professional playwrights, is proud to announce the addition of five writers to its illustrious, dynamic resident playwright company: Nkenna Akunna, Hilary BettisEdwin Rivera-AriasJesús I. Valles, and Deborah Yarchun.

They will be in-residence through June, 2031. These adventurous theatre artists were selected by a seven-person committee of New Dramatists current residents, alumni, and outside theatre professionals from 350 applicants after undergoing a highly competitive, ten-month review and consensus-based decision-making process. New Dramatists kicked off their seven-year residencies on Monday, September 9, 2024 at the annual New Playwright Welcome, an evening of readings and celebration, held at Soho Rep. 

Lindsley Howard and Clea Alsip perform an excerpt of Atlas, The Lonely Gibbon by Deborah Yarchun, directed by Jess Chayes.

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Nkenna Akunna performs an excerpt from her play, Spank, directed by Abigail Jean-Baptiste
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Annie Henk and Jacqueline Guillén perform an excerpt of Falcon Girls by Hilary Bettis, directed by Lily Wolff.

Jesús I. Valles performs an excerpt from their play, Play Maid. 
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Gilbert Cruz, Anthony DeVito, and Maria Isabella Rojas perform an excerpt of Misericordia by Edwin Rivera-Arias directed by Nelson Isava.